Aaron T Beck, Man of Curiosity

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By Christine A. Padesky, PhD / July 26, 2013

Many people know that Dr. Aaron T Beck and I have been friends for more than 35 years.  They are understandably curious about what I can tell them about this famous man who launched Cognitive Therapy and changed the face of psychotherapy.  I’ve often been asked,

“What has it been like to be mentored by Aaron T Beck?”

” What is he like as a person?”

Once a reporter interviewed me and could not believe I was not hiding some dark truths, “Everyone is so positive about this man! Doesn’t he have flaws?”

We all have flaws but Tim Beck’s strengths and kindness are broad enough to fill any conversation. I count our collaboration as one of my life’s greatest blessings.

Aaron T Beck and Christine A Padesky in 1988 and 2009

I was asked to write a short piece for The National Psychologist about what it was like to be mentored by him. You can read the article I wrote in the Publications section of our Clinical Corner. Find it in the “Aaron T Beck” file under Beck – A Man of Curiosity.

If you want to know more about Aaron T. Beck, we also posted a book chapter I wrote titled, Aaron T Beck: Man, Mind and Mentor.

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