Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Workshops by Christine Padesky
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CBT Boot Camp 2.0: Target Mood-Specific Skills Using Mind Over Mood 2 (Los Angeles 2016)
May 5, 2016 @ 9:00 am – 4:30 pm PDT

2016 Los Angeles, California, USA – one day / 6 hour workshop
Evidence-based practice requires therapists to teach mood-specific skills and follow different treatment guidelines depending upon the mood targeted. Clients experience high rates of comorbidity and so there is an advantage to supplementing therapy with a workbook like Mind Over Mood, 2nd Edition, 2016 (MOM2) which addresses a variety of moods and teaches both general and mood-specific skills. This workshop shows therapists how to maintain fidelity to treatment protocols by assigning MOM2 chapters in different orders depending upon the moods addressed. Therapists learn which mood-specific skills are linked to enduring treatment efficacy for depression, anxiety disorders, anger, guilt and shame.
In addition, Padesky demonstrates how to navigate common obstacles that arise during use of: behavioral activation and thought records (depression); fear ladders, exposure, identification of safety behaviors, and behavioral experiments (anxiety); assertive communication and forgiveness (anger); seriousness ratings, responsibility pies, reparations and self-forgiveness (guilt and shame). Guidelines are presented for how and when to add methods drawn from acceptance therapies, mindfulness and positive psychology to these classic CBT approaches. Participants learn evidence-based guidelines for client skills practice, when certain interventions can be counter-therapeutic, and a 3-step plan for relapse management.
Participants in this workshop will be among the first USA therapists to learn directly from Dr. Padesky about how to link the new version of Mind Over Mood with evidence based treatment protocols.
Workshop learning is enhanced through live clinical demonstrations, structured participant role-plays, discussions and exercises designed to apply the principles learned to clinical case material.
Learn how to use MOM2 in therapy to work more effectively with depression, anxiety disorders, anger, guilt, and shame.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of training, participants can be expected to:
- IDENTIFY skills empirically linked to improvement in depression and anxiety
- ASSESS client views of moods and treatment options in culturally sensitive manner
- LINK chapter reading order in MOM2 to treatment protocols
- FOLLOW evidence-based guidelines for gratitude diaries, mindfulness practice, and other treatment methods
- CONSIDER when a focus on forgiveness is therapeutic and when it is not
- ASSIST clients in following a 3-step plan for relapse management
Solely for DMH psychologists employed within LA County DMH or DMH Contract Agencies. Registration is limited to DMH Employees.
Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health
Workforce Education & Training Division
Jeff Gorsuch, PsyD
PRESENTER – Christine A. Padesky, PhD
PADESKY BRIEF BIO: Christine A. Padesky, Ph.D., is considered one of the leading cognitive therapy workshop presenters in the world, appreciated for her depth of knowledge, compassion, and good-humored warmth. She has presented over 400 workshops to more than 45,000 professionals throughout North and South America, Europe, and Asia as well as 25 workshops with cognitive therapy’s founder, Aaron T. Beck, M.D. Her clear, organized and compelling presentations integrate theory, empiricism, creativity, audience interaction and practical skills. Co-founder in 1983 of the Center for Cognitive Therapy in Huntington Beach, California, Dr. Padesky was one of the earliest therapists to use CBT with depression (beginning in 1978). She is a Distinguished Founding Fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy and former President of the International Association for Cognitive Psychotherapy. In 2002, the British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP) named Dr. Padesky the “Most Influential International Cognitive-Behavioural Therapist.” In 2003 she received recognition for her Distinguished Contribution to Psychology from the California Psychological Association. In 2007 the Academy of Cognitive Therapy honored her with its Aaron T. Beck Award for enduring contributions to the field. Dr. Padesky provides consultation to mental health professionals worldwide. She develops audio CD and DVD training materials (described at that demonstrate cognitive therapy processes and protocols and is a featured therapist in several award-winning educational films. She is co-author of books translated into 23 languages including Collaborative Case Conceptualization, Cognitive Therapy of Personality Disorders, Clinician’s Guide to Mind Over Mood, and Cognitive Therapy with Couples. BABCP voted her best selling cognitive therapy self-help book Mind Over Mood: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think ( the most influential cognitive therapy book of all time. Read more …
May 5, 2016
8:30 am to start at 9 am
9 am – 4:30 pm
1 hour lunch
California Endowment
1000 N Alameda St
Los Angeles, CA 90012 USA