Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Workshops by Christine Padesky
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Mind Over Mood 2: The Challenges of Aligning Self-Help with Evidence-based Practice (UK)
June 16, 2016 @ 11:30 am – 12:30 pm BST

BELFAST, NORTHERN IRELAND: 1 hour Christine Padesky Keynote Address at the 44th Annual BABCP Conference
Keynote information available online from: Conference Programme (opens in PDF format) (LINK NOT LONGER VALID)
TO REGISTER for the Conference visit:
MOM2 reflects the highest standards of evidence-based practice in an appealing and easy to use self-help workbook.
KEYNOTE ABSTRACT: There has been a rapid expansion in CBT protocols and practices since the first edition of Mind Over Mood was published in 1995. Our goals for the 2nd Edition of Mind Over Mood (MOM2) (Greenberger & Padesky, 2016) were to reflect the highest standards of evidence-based practice and, at the same time, offer an appealing and easy to use self-help workbook. Reaching these goals required rethinking the structure and content of MOM2 in ways we did not anticipate at the beginning of our four year effort. What we learned in the process offers helpful insights into current CBT practice as well as guidelines for integrating self-help into therapy.
This keynote highlights the practical and accessible solutions we derived to meet challenges such as:
- MOM2 teaches readers to understand and manage a variety of moods, yet there are different treatment paths for each mood. How can a single book align with a myriad of evidence-based treatments and remain simple for readers to follow?
- There are now many CBT therapies. We wanted to integrate classic CBT methods with evidence-based practices that emphasize acceptance, mindfulness, and positive psychology. How is it possible to meaningfully integrate multiple treatment perspectives and at the same time maintain a focus on step-by-step development of mood management skills?
- Although self-help can be less rigorous than therapy, we wanted to encourage readers of MOM2 to follow evidence-based practices such as: regular completion of mood measures, rehearsal of skills until mastery is achieved, goal setting enhanced by motivational interviewing, and proactive relapse management. How can readers be enticed to follow such good treatment principles?
In learning how to solve these challenges we discovered that a self-help workbook can be aligned with evidence-based practice but only when the demands of each are fully understood.
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: This keynote address is suited for attendees of all knowledge levels: novice, intermediate and expert.
CONFERENCE SPONSOR: British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP)
PRESENTER: Christine A. Padesky, PhD / Presenter BIO
WHEN: June 16, 2016 / Keynote is presented during the 44th Annual BABCP Conference June 15-17, 2016
PROGRAM TIME: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm
WHERE: Waterfront Centre / 2 Lanyon Pl / Belfast BT1 3WH / Northern Ireland
COST: Registration for Conference Required. Full Conference Registration Fee includes: Admission to the scientific sessions from Wednesday 15th June to Friday 17th June; final programme and abstract book; badge; certificate of attendance; access to the exhibition area and poster sessions; coffee breaks; lunch on Wednesday & Thursday only (no dinners); tourist information about Belfast; opening reception on Tuesday 14th June 2016.
CONTACT: BABCP office / +44 0161 705 4304
EMAIL: Workshops@