Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Workshops by Christine Padesky
> Important Note: Most of the event dates and times are listed for the Pacific Time Zone. Please adjust accordingly for your time zone.
> If you cannot attend a workshop, try our CBT Training on MP4 video and MP3 audio. CLICK HERE to visit Digital Padesky Store (available 24/7)
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Simplifying Personality Disorder Treatment: A NEW Paradigm for CBT (Canada 2012)
October 3, 2012 @ 8:00 am – October 4, 2012 @ 5:00 pm PDT

The NEW Paradigm places increased emphasis on client imagery, use of client-generated metaphors, kinesthetic awareness, and a step-by-step therapy framework that is designed to help clients embrace change. It also incorporates many of Padesky’s signature therapy approaches: collaboration, guided discovery, integration of client strengths, and methods for building client resilience. Padesky & Mooney’s NEW paradigm is a 4-stage model that is simple to understand and can be easily learned by therapists already familiar with CBT approaches for Axis I disorders such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and other common presenting issues. Rather than focusing on dysfunctional beliefs and behaviours, methods taught target construction of new belief systems and interpersonal behaviour patterns. Behavioural experiments are used to build resilience in use of the NEW system. Concrete steps are outlined and demonstrated using client examples. Participants will practice applying skills in common clinical situations via structured role-plays. Whether you want to learn more about working with a specific personality disorder (e.g., borderline personality disorder), a particular type of impasse (e.g., avoidance, rigidity or angry attacks), or your own reactions (e.g., irritation with a particular client), this workshop is designed to enhance your understanding and skills.
I had a wonderful time and was enthralled by Christine’s communication skills, knowledge and command of her subject.… I introduced the Old/New System to some of my clients this week and they are very enthusiastic about the possibility of constructing a new self. I work with men who have been through drug and alcohol addiction and are now clean and sober and facing up to the reality of life without the ‘benefit’ of mind/mood altering chemicals. I really appreciate and value Christine’s contribution in providing a new range of tools helping clients develop new and more beneficial strategies for living productive and meaningful lives.

SPONSOR: Cognitive Workshops
ARCHIVAL NOTE: After 24 years of sponsoring workshops, Cognitive Workshops retired their business in January 2019 and closed down their website Cognitive Workshops sponsored 67 of Christine Padesky workshops from September 1995 through November 2018 in the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States.
CognitiveWorkshops / Brian Toller (Canada)
613-236-9051 or 877-721-4034